Rough Thesis

According to Dennis G. Jerz (2010) in his weblog
A thesis statement is the single, specific claim that your essay supports. A good thesis statement is not simply an observation, a question, or a promise. It includes a topic, a precise opinion, and reasoning. ( HYPERLINK httpjerz.setonhill.eduwritingacademicthesis.htm httpjerz.setonhill.eduwritingacademicthesis.htm)

The following are thesis statements of the four short stories The Tell-tale heart and The fall of the house of Usher by Edgar Alan Poe and  Rappacinis daughter and The birthmark by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

The Tell-tale heart
The short story is about a murderers narration of the murder committed. It was written in an intense and detailed emotion felt by the murderer to get rid of what he identifies as the Evil Eye.

The fall of the house of Usher
The short story is about fear of the subjects of the story to what may happen because their ends have been pre-destined. The narrator is unsure of the reason why he is to stay with his friend. Roderick Usher has an aversion to the illness of the sister. They want to be free from the binds of unwanted destiny. Their urge to control what may happen ended up with the same future as well.

Rappacinis daughter
The story is about Beatrice that developed a power to poison with just her mere breath. The abnormality if brought about his fathers experiment. With Giovannis earnest desire to cure Beatrice, Beatice end was found.

The birthmark
The short story of a young and brilliant scientist named Aylmer who is obsessed with perfection. Seeing his wifes birthmark that he considers as an imperfection, he would like to wear it off and created an elixir. As a wife to succumb to his husbands desires, though never considers the birthmark as an impaired ness, Georgina agreed on taking the drug.


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